The Minister of Education and Science of RK Bakytzhan Zhumagulov visited Institute of history of the state
Addressing scientists, the minister noted that the Institute has modern material base, a highly qualified scientific personnel. Here good combination of mature, skilled and young research associates.
The Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bakytzhan Zhumagulov visited Institute of history of the state. The meeting with prominent scientists took place, the minister examined research establishment activity, material base, working conditions of research associates. The director of institute, the doctor of historical sciences, professor Burkitbay Ayagan informed on the purposes and research establishment tasks, on the scientific works published by scientists of Institute, on plans for prospect.
Addressing scientists, the minister noted that the Institute has modern material base, a highly qualified scientific personnel. Here a good combination of mature, skilled and young research associates, to collective on forces the solution of important scientific tasks set the state, placed emphasis about need of removal of research works on higher level. The minister left memorable entry in the Book of guests of honor.
Let's remind that the Institute of history of the state was created in May, 2008. The director of Institute is the doctor of historical sciences, professor B. G. Ayagan. Now at Institute 44 people work. From them 1 academician, 8 doctors and 11 candidates of science.
The institute has the good material base presented by the computer equipment of new generation, spacious offices. There is the rich scientific library completed with various literature, there is a mini-printing house.
From the moment of Institute creation by research associates more than 60 books of scientific and political subject are prepared for printing. One of priority activities of Institute is establishment and development of international relations. In particular, the Institute concluded agreements with Moscow State University department of history of M.B. of Lomonosov, Academy of Sciences of Bashkortostan and other scientific centers of the neighboring countries. Work on Institute promoting by means of the publication of articles in foreign scientific editions, such, as "Historical archive", "History questions", "Homeland", etc. is carried out.
For last years meetings of staff of Institute with scientists from the USA, Russia, Turkey, France, Ukraine, Holland, Poland, etc. countries took place.
Questions of modern history of Kazakhstan find reflection in the materials of scientists of Institute published on pages of republican newspapers and magazines. Besides questions of the contemporary history of the state in treatment of scientists of Institute find reflection in programs of the Kazakhstan television and radio, the institute scientific magazine "Memleket тарихы. State history" and Tarikh Zhne Sayasat newspapers.