If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

96 years ago Saken Seyfullin wrote the play “Red Falcons”

Birthday of Mukan Tulebayev the Kazakh composer,teacher and public figure

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Birthday of Mukan Tulebayev the Kazakh composer,teacher and public figure

Birthday of Mukan Tulebayev the Kazakh composer,teacher and public figure - e-history.kz
Mukan Tulebayev was born on March 13,1913, in the village Karsahygan, Burliy-Tobinskogo district of Almaty region. In 1933 after graduation of school he enrolled to Almaty special pedagogical school. In 1942-1944, he was the conductor of orchestra Kazakh folk instruments. In 1951 he graduated Moscow Conservatory on composer specialty. From 1956 to 1960 was chairman of the Composer’s Union of Kazakhstan. Mukan Tulebayev during his short life, managed to create over 100 musical works. Particular attention is drawn to operas, cantatas and oratorios. Experts consider that his music affects deepest layers of human perception. He set opera performances such as “Birzhan and Sara” and “Amangeldy”. He is the first started writing songs on Abay’s poems and was the author of songs to Kazakh film like “We live here”, “Zhambyl” and “Golden horn”. Together with Yevgeny Brusilovsky and Latif Hahmdi was the founder of the music for the anthem of the Kazakh SSR and later Kazakhstan (from 1946 to 2006). Finally, thanks to him, our opera raised to a new level by producing the national Kazakh melodies with the achievements of world music.