If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Scientific and practical conferences of historians

Scientific and practical conferences of historians - e-history.kz

The scientific and practical conferences of historians held by the Pavlodar state teacher training college

during the period since 2005-2012:

- On November 17, 2005 republican scientific and practical conference "the Contribution of the First President N.A.Nazarbayev to formation of statehood, the sovereignty of the Republic of Kazakhstan" in the following directions of researches is held:

1 . N. Nazarbayev both historical aspects of formation and development of statehood of the Republic of Kazakhstan

2 . Political and legal bases of formation of the sovereignty of Kazakhstan;

- On January 26, 2010 годапроведена regional scientific and practical conference "B.A.Kuvatov – the scientist, the teacher, the public figure", devoted to memory of the scientist, the teacher, the organizer of education, public figure Kuvatov Boris Adbulmazhitovich.

   Work of conference was organized in the following directions:

1 . History and culture of the Pavlodar Priirtyshje

2 . Known figures of the Pavlodar Priirtyshje;

- On May 5-6, 2010 - the republican scientific and practical conference "Modern Approaches to Studying of History of the Great Patriotic War", devoted to the 65 anniversary of a victory in the Great Patriotic War and to B. Momyshula's 100 anniversary.

  Directions of work of conference:

1 . Contribution of Kazakhstan citizens to a historical victory over fascism.

2 . History and historiography of the II world war: new vision of a problem.

3 . Great Patriotic War: events, results, value;

- 22-23sentyabrya 2011 years - the international scientific and practical conference "Independent Kazakhstan: history, the present and prospects", devoted to the 20 anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan.

Work of conference was carried out in the following directions:

1 . Place and role of sovereign Kazakhstan in the Euroasian space. Processes of integration of CIS countries in the conditions of independence.

2 . Formation of independent Kazakhstan: social and economic aspect.

3 . Actual problems of National history: historiography and source study development at the present stage, modern researches in the field of archeology and ethnography.

4 . Traditional and modern culture: history and tendencies.

5 . Topical issues of a technique of teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines.

  Planned conferences:

  For April 25, 2014 it is planned by RNPK "Modern approaches to studying of history of the Great Patriotic War", devoted to the 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Second World War.