If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Yeniseian Turks

Yeniseian Turks - e-history.kz

Yeniseian Turks

They came from the ancient Turkic Taifa tele, otherwise Dinlin, and people called Russian Samoyeds. They comprise four major taifas.

The first is Kyzyl. Tribes are Kyzyl, ulken ashyn, kishi ashyn, aky, basagar, kamlar, kuyrshak, sheyuargyn, kalmak. The latter two were formerly under Kalmaks. Teleuts, who were captive by the kyzyl tribe. Second is Taifa, Kashin Tatars. Tribes are kas, ara, toben, kakasty, tozharym, tezhaltag, sokar, toba. The last four of the Samoyeds. The third taifa is sagai. Tribes are turan, saryg, erget, eyshek, kayi, aba, kyrgyz, zheti yuru, juz saga, to sagay, shor, bolter, ak-chistar, karachistar, taban, tayas, kallar, karga, saiyn, kyzay, koybol, baygodu, khan, turazhak, tazhuda, madyr, ayyngara, begeshi, artshy, kuyuk, orge, kaydyn. Language is the Old Turkic. Fourth Taifa is the Ccracas and kamasyn. Caracas consists of five tribes: sarykash, kash, chogdo, krachogdo, shebeti. They are the Samoyeds. One part of kamasyn is Kashins Tatars, another is Samoyeds. Tribes are the Madur, bogesh, bayyf, nagi, syyla .

There are also the descendants of dinlin and Samoyeds, who lived on the Yenisey. First is the Kumandy. Those that live on the river Biya are the descendants from that tribe. Those that are in the lower reaches of the river are from the Taifa Tastan. Their tribes are bote, shapyrash, tun cumani. Second are the Swans. The tribes are yakshi and shalman. Third are the Black Tatars. Altai people call them Toba. They are the Samoyeds. The tribes are kozen, terkesh, komnesh, bosy, torgol. Fourth are the descendants of Shorman, Kuznetsk Tatars. The tribes are kyzay, tayash, kiya, karashor, saryshor, karga, shedebes, kunha, kuye, sholi, sebi, tartkyn, usta, kobi, aba, tagan, kerkesh, barsoyad, shalkal, sharagash, bessuyek. The first five families are the descendants of Sagay. The fifth branch are the Kuznetsk Tatars mixed with Teleuts. Their tribes are ashkeshtim, byan, burgol, komnesh, kamlar, achyn, Chiyu. The sixth branch is the Sholmensk Tatars. Their tribes are Kishik, koyrek, sholym.

From the book of Shakarim Kudayberdy-uly "Genealogy of Turks, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and their Khan dynasties". Translation by B. Kairbekov. Alma-Ata, Dastan JV, 1990