If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The responsible secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Alija Galimov acted at a briefing in Service of the central communications at the President of RK


The group of the Kazakhstan scientists intends to visit state archives of other countries with the purpose to study little-known pages of national history.

About it I reported the responsible secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Alija Galimov.

"Scientists will go to Iran, China, France, Turkey, Russia for studying low-studied, probably, even unknown, pages of history of Kazakhstan. There is an arrangement with archives of these countries", - A.Galimova at a briefing in Service of the central communications at the President of RK in Astana told.

According to her, this work will be conducted under the auspices of two scientific centers of Kazakhstan - Institute of history of the state and Scientific institute of history and ethnology of a name of Chokan Valikhanova.

"The list of priority subjects and a surname of scientists who will be shipped outward" is at present made, - the executive secretary of MOH PK noted.

In Kazakhstan the new system of professional development of pedagogical shots is introduced, reported the responsible secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Alija Galimov.

"The system of improvement of quality of qualification of pedagogical shots is developed Nazarbayev by Intellectual schools together with the Cambridge university and conforms to the international educational standards", - A.Galimova told.

As the executive secretary of department explained, upon termination of such courses of the teacher pass a qualification examination and receive the certificates granting the right to surcharge to a salary of 30%, 70% and 100% - depending on level of programs.

"Thus, the teacher occupying 1 standard rate (18 hours per week - a comment of the author) with an average experience in 10 years, with the higher education, having the highest category depending on professional development level, will receive on the average a salary to 122 286 tenges", - A.Galimova explained.

According to MOH PK, in 2013 about 3 thousand directors and directors of studies of schools will increase the qualification. It is planned that this year such courses will be taken by more than 10 thousand people from all Kazakhstan.