If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

B. Ayagan: One of Kazakhstan historical science development problems is in shortage of personnel

B. Ayagan: One of Kazakhstan historical science development problems is in shortage of personnel - e-history.kz

One of problems of historical science development in Kazakhstan the director of Institute of history of the state of committee of science of MOH PK Burkitbay Ayagan calls shortage of personnel. He told about it today during online conference on a subject: "New approaches to studying of national history of Kazakhstan", are reported by the correspondent of BNews.kz.

"The reason of lag of the Kazakhstan historical science that we don't have enough historical frames. It isn't enough scientists who know foreign world languages. For today in this plan the task" is set, - B. Ayagan told.

Literally the other day, according to him, 23 scientists left Kazakhstan abroad to China, Iran, Turkey, Russia for the purpose of search of stay and return to the historical homeland of artifacts which give an additional picture of the ancient and medieval past of Kazakhstan.

Ayagan considers wrong that in recent years in Kazakhstan on various pretexts reduced history chairs, the set decreased by historical sciences, places in bachelor degrees and magistracies decreased.

"The Secretary of State set an accurate task - need of restoration of all chairs of history for the country, especially in large and state universities. After all everywhere history of the country it is studied first of all. The world practice shows that country history - the cornerstone in education of the person, our youth", - was added by the director of institute.