On April 3, the national hero Amangeldy Imanov was born. In this regard, anniversary events are planned in the republic. The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan hosted the republican scientific and practical conference "Batyrdyn biik tulgasy: tarikhy, zerttelui, akikaty", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Amangeldy Imanov.
Within the framework of the conference, the grand opening of the exhibition "Halyk Batyry" was held, the exhibits of which were presented from the funds of museums of Kostanay region.
Perpetuating the memory of participants in the national liberation movement of 1916 is an important process in any period of the country's historical development. The name of Amangeldy, which opened a new page in the history of Kazakhstan, is associated with the most important turns in the fate of the people: the struggle for land, opposition to external enemies, protection of freedom and independence of the state, significant political and cultural achievements. The leader of the national liberation uprising of 1916, Amangeldy Imanov, was an active participant in the struggle against the tsarist regime and punitive detachments.
The life story of Amangeldy Imanov is closely connected with the history of Kostanay region. In 1910, a school was built on his initiative in Terisbutak, where the Amangeldy family lived. Since 1913, Amangeldy became a subscriber to the magazine " Aikap "and the newspaper"Kazak". Even before the Amangeldy uprising, Imanov was known in the steppe as a champion of people's freedom, an opponent of the colonial regime.
Aibike Tasbulatovna Yessenova, the guide of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore, gave an informative and interesting tour to the conference participants. She told about interesting exhibits and the life of the great batyr. The exhibition featured photographs and archival documents about the events in the steppe caused by the tsar's decree on conscription for rear work. Among the exhibits you can see personal belongings of Amangeldy Imanov and his relatives, including chapan, dombra, household items. Also on display at the exhibition were rifles, sabres, bayonets and other weapons of the Sarbazs of Amangeldy.
Also on display were paintings and graphic works by people's artists of Kazakhstan-A. Kasteev, B. Urmanche, graphic works by the famous portrait artist A. Martova, a sculptural portrait of A. Imanov, made by the first Kazakh sculptor, People's Artist of Kazakhstan Kh. Nauryzbayev, as well as two statues of the Ukrainian sculptor, People's Artist of Ukraine Ye. I. Belostotsky. Many works are exhibited for the first time. This exhibition will run in the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a month.
The head of the Kostanay Regional Museum of Local Lore B. E. Zhumabayev moderated the event and started the conference with the national anthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The conference was attended by state and public figures, famous scientists, relatives and descendants of Batyr and others. At the plenary session with the report " Kaharly 1916 zhyl: ұлы бетбұрыс қырлары мен астары» выступил доктор исторических наук, профессор, академик НАН РК Абжанов Ханкельды Махмутович. Ziyabek Kabuldinov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Sh. Ualikhanov Institute of History and Ethnology, spoke about the national liberation uprising of 1916 in Kazakhstan. The participants were addressed by the grandson of A. Imanov-Candidate of Technical Sciences Amangeldiev Batyrulan Ramazanuly. During the sections, private entrepreneurs shared their opinions about the leaders of the national liberation uprising of 1916, including the historical role of Amangeldy Imanov.
In the evening, creative groups of the metropolitan Philharmonic named after E. Rakhmadiev presented the concert program "Dala dauylpazy", dedicated to the anniversary of the national hero.
In addition, a number of events dedicated to the significant date will be held in Kostanay region. For example, in the small Homeland of the hero, the territory adjacent to the monument to A. Imanov will be improved, and the repair of his memorial museum is also planned.
At the same time, additional funds were allocated from the regional budget for the repair and equipping of the children's and youth sports school and the district house of culture.
The final anniversary events will be held in Amangeldy district in September of this year.