If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Questions of social and economic development in Post-Soviet time in M. Kozybayev's works

Questions of social and economic development in Post-Soviet time in M. Kozybayev's works - e-history.kz

Academician Manash Kozybayev in his scientific activity spent considerable time for problems of formation of the Kazakh people, a way of formation of economic independence of the republic.
One of works of the academician M. Kozybayev was turned to problems of a transition period, to be precise from socialist, i.e. planned towards market economy. Considering author’s works, we see that many provisions and the conclusions drawn by him were introduced in the economic reforms which are carried out in Kazakhstan.

Considering need of transition to the market, he constantly emphasized that it is impossible to represent all economy of planned housekeeping in negative sense.
During the transition to the market relations we through reforms saw and carried out necessary conditions for creation of the market conforming to all requirements of this system at the present stage. They are:

  • Liberalization of economy — freedom of business activity, the open prices, independence of businessmen and consumers;
  • Privatization, it will be fairer to note specification of the property rights — privatization, transfer of part state property in private hands, creation of new private enterprises;
  • Social protection of the population — it is necessary to undertake measures for elimination of unemployment, retraining of experts and protection of lower-income level of populaiton.

This direction is a natural consequence of implementation of liberalization of the economic relations and, naturally, process of carrying out privatization.

M. Kozybayev said that in a transition period we should not forget that socialism had light parties — creation of the modern economy based on dynamically developing industry and planned housekeeping, unemployment elimination, achievement of general literacy of the people, construction of a wide network of schools, child care facilities, the culture centers, development of science, social security of the people.
Passing to the market relations, Manash Kozybayev noted that we need to use these positive sides of a planned economy especially as many elements of socialism, such as «planning of the decision social planning of the solution of social problems, methods of educational system, development of health care, high achievements in the sphere of science, were used in due time by heads of the developed capitalist countries».

The president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev in the next address to the people of Kazakhstan noted deep defects of the carried-out reforms: miscalculations in privatization, uses of privatization and investment coupons and privatization investment funds. Manash Kozybayev also, even during reforms noted miscalculations in carrying out privatization, sharp stratification of the population according to the income, illegality of transfer to management to the foreign companies of the enterprises of key branches that can cause damage to national security; broad involvement of foreign workers with considerable unemployment in the country; distortions in the distributive relations, etc.

The academician M. Kozybayev allocated such problems as need of formation of national working class through a network of expansion and high-quality improvement of professional educational institutions. Manash Kozybayev paid much attention on need of development of science without which there cannot be originally independent country.

In the article we considered only some parties of scientific activity of M. Kozybayev, namely one of pressing problems — rise in economic independence, formation of independence of the Kazakh people. We as teachers of history have to use and we use those scientific analyses and conclusions which were developed by the academician Manash Kozybayev.

(NKSU named after M.Kozybayev)

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