If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Nation construction

1992 December - At the first Forum of the people of Kazakhstan the President of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev sounded idea of Kazakhstan people Assemblies creation.

1992 December - At the first Forum of the people of Kazakhstan the President of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev sounded idea of Kazakhstan people Assemblies creation.

1995 on March 1 – There was a Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan about formation of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, the status which has defined it an advisory advisory body at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1996 on December 24 - The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 56-I "About culture" was adopted which regulates the public relations in the sphere of creation, revival, preservation, development, use and distribution of the Kazakh national culture, culture of other people of Kazakhstan.

1997 – Year of memory of victims of repressions.

1998 - Year of unity and national history.

1999 - Year of continuity of generations.

2000 – Year of support of culture.

2003 on September 23-24 – I forum of leaders of world and traditional religions in Astana. The most authoritative representatives of Islam, Christianity, Judaism, sintoizm, Hinduism and the Buddhism took part in its work.

2004 on October 29 - The resolution of the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved the Provision on the Ministry of Culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2004 on January 13 – The president of RK N.A.Nazarbayev signed the decree about the state program "Cultural heritage" calculated on 2004-2006.

2006 - Year of Pushkin in Kazakhstan.

2006 on September 12-13 the II Congress of leaders world and traditional религийв to Astana took place. Congress took place in new, specially constructed to carrying out a forum the building "Palace of Peace and Reconciliation".

2009 on July 1-2 - the III Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions in which 77 delegations from 35 countries of Europe, Asia, the Middle East and America took part already. Its main subject I became increase of a role of spiritual leaders in the positive solution of any questions, in a context of their feasible contribution to providing the tolerant world founded on mutual respect and cooperation.

2012 on May 30-31 - the IV Congress of leaders of world and traditional religions. Peace and harmony as a mankind choice" became the main scope of the IV Congress ". 85 delegations participated in a forum from 40 countries of the world.

2012 on January 20 - According to the Decree of the President the Ministry of Culture is again reorganized into the Ministry of Culture and information.