If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

96 years ago Saken Seyfullin wrote the play “Red Falcons”

Birthday of Mukan Tulebayev the Kazakh composer,teacher and public figure

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Exactly 23 years ago was made the first flight in the history of independent Kazakhstan.

Exactly 23 years ago was made the first flight in the history of independent Kazakhstan. - e-history.kz
23 years ago the first private Kazakhstan airline company "Azamat" made flight from Almaty to Sharjah, on a completely new airliner TU-154m, with the trained crews for international flights. The aircraft commander was Boris Batsikadze, who the engineer-pilot 1st class. Boris Batsikadze, the aircraft commander, was first class engineer-pilot. The flight was calm, at an attitude of 10,600 meters. On the board were 90 passengers, including 8 people -representatives of diplomatic missions of UAE and businessmen. The aircraft arrived at the airport Sharjah right on schedule, after 4.5 hours.