If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

96 years ago Saken Seyfullin wrote the play “Red Falcons”

Birthday of Mukan Tulebayev the Kazakh composer,teacher and public figure

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The law on the Protection of the World was adopted on March 12, 1951

The law on the Protection of the World was adopted on March 12, 1951 - e-history.kz
March 12, 1951 the Supreme Soviet adopted the Law on the Protection of the World. 118 millions of Soviet citizens, including 4 millions of Kazakhs subscribed under appeal of the pact of World. The law considers propaganda of war as the gravest crime against humanity and establishes criminal liability of persons, who were guilty in propaganda of war, in any forms it may be carried out. Similar laws were adopted in many countries.