If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Scientific community of Almaty discussed the basic principles and advantages of the Eurasian economic integration


April 02, 2015

Heads of research institutes, academicians, the leading scientists, economists, historians and experts participated in the event.

"Eurasian economic integration — one of the key directions of the modern foreign policy of Kazakhstan. Within the framework of Eurasian Economic Community has been done a large volume of works, signed a number of legal basic documents and center of countries-participants which support Eurasian idea was formed. These are such states as Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus" — marked in the welcome speech the CEO of RSE "Gylym Ordasy" Roza Karibzhanova.

Participants of a meeting emphasized that creation of EAEC can become a new stage on the way of further development of an innovation and industrialization. As the uniform commodity market created within the union and services, the capital and labor will allow developing effectively production and cooperation communications between the enterprises of member countries of integration combining. It will promote in turn increase of competitiveness of products and creation of additional workplaces.

As the director of Institute of economy Saken Espayev emphasized, the main goal of macroeconomic effect from integration consists in reduction of price of goods due to reduction of expenses of transportation; increase in production due to increase in demand for goods; increase in welfare of the people of the countries of EurAsEC thanks to reduction of prices of products and increase in employment of the population; increase of payback of new technologies and goods thanks to the increased market size and other aspects.

According to academician of National Academy of Science of Kazakhstan Abdumalik Nysanbayev, eurasianism is the system of new relations and values created in the former Soviet Union.

"Kazakhstan has exclusively advantageous geopolitical position between the East and the West, multiethnic composition of the population with secular traditions of peaceful co-existence, culture of consent, neighborliness and cooperation. The Eurasian concept of the President of Kazakhstan is directed on reasonable use of this huge potential of interethnic, interfaith and cross-cultural Eurasian interaction. Such way of development can and shall make Kazakhstan society unique on novelty of the sociocultural bases and humanistic ideals", — declared the speaker.

Within the round desktop with reports the director of Institute of problems of information and computing technologies M. Kalimoldayev, the director of Institute of literature and art of M. Auezov U. Kalizhanov, the research associate of Institute of history and ethnology of Ch. Valikhanov Zh. Abylkhozhin also appeared.

The director of Institute of problems of information and computing technologies M. Kalimoldayev, the director of Institute of literature and art named after M.Auezov U. Kalizhanov and the research associate of Institute of history and ethnology named after Ch. Valikhanov Zh. Abylhozhin also made a speech within the roundtable.

The project of the Eurasian union of the states was offered 20 years ago by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. On March 29, 1994, giving a speech at Lomonosov Moscow State University, N. Nazarbayev declared that ripened need for transition to qualitatively new level of relations on the basis of new interstate combining and on the principles of voluntariness and equality.

On May 29 of current year it is planned to sign the contract on creation of the Eurasian Economic Community between head of Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus.