20 May 2015
The international scientific conference entitled "From the Kazakh Khanate to Independent Kazakhstan" dedicated to the 550th anniversary of the establishment of the Kazakh Khanate will be organised by the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan — the Leader of Nation and the Institute of the History of the State, Committee of Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The event will be held in Nazarbayev Centre on 22-23 May 2015.
One of the main purposes of the conference will be discussing the current issues of the history of the establishment and development of the Kazakh Khanate as the first national state in Central Asia. Participants of the conference will also focus on historiography and evolution of the traditional Khan’s power and state symbols, external policy, including relations of the Kazakh Khanate with Eastern and Central Asian countries.
Professor Burkitbai Ayagan, Director of the Institute of the History of the State and Doctor of Historical Sciences, will be a moderator of the conference.
The work of the conference will be organized within the two workshops:
1) The Kazakh Khanate as the first national state in Central Asia;
2) From the Kazakh Khanate to Independent Kazakhstan.
The conference will be attended by members of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, statesmen and public figures, diplomats, representatives of the People’s Assembly of Kazakhstan, and foreign scholars, including Roman Pochekayev (High School of Economics, Russia), Mehmet Saray (Istanbul University, Turkey), Bulat Zoriktuyev (Institute of Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Vladislav Gribovsky (Grushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archaeography and Historiography, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Ukraine), Gian Luca Bonora (University of Bologna, Italy), Nasipkhan Suyunova (Institute of Philology of the Aliyev Karachai-Cherkessia National University, Russia), Roza Bukanova (Bashkir National University, Russia), Dilorom Alimova (Institute of the History, Academy of Sciences, Uzbekistan).
Domestic scientists and historians, including Meruert Abuseitova (Suleimenov Institute of Oriental Studies, Kazakhstan), Amantai Isin (Semipalatinsk National University named after Shakarim, Kazakhstan), Nabizhan Mukhametkhanuly (Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan) and political experts, sociologists, culture experts, philosophers, lecturers of universities, archivists, librarians, teachers of schools and representatives of the mass media will also participate in the conference.
The scientific event will be followed by the book exhibition "The Kazakh Khanate", exhibition of works of Rakhimzhan Kasymzhan "Nomads of Eurasia", giving gifts to the public association "Nogai Yel" and concert.