If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Kumekov Bulat Yeshmukhambetovich

Kumekov Bulat Yeshmukhambetovich - e-history.kz

Kumekov Bulat Yeshmukhamedovich – a specialist in medievalhistory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia, Kipchak studies, historical geography and source of Arab, Persian and Turkic written records of the ninth and seventeenth centuries, Doctor of Historical Sciences(1993), Professor (1996), Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan(1995), Academician of the Academy of Sciences ofthe Republic of Kazakhstan (2003).

He graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Studies (Department of Arabic) at Tashkent State University (1963);

Translator in Egypt, city of Aswan (1964-1965);

Post-graduate student, junior research officer, senior research officer at the Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1965-1974);

Head of the Department of Ancient and Medieval History of Kazakhstan, Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (1974-1996);

Chief research officer, Institute of History and Ethnology named after Ch.Ch. Valikhanov (2013); 

B. Kumekov first formulated and developed the problem of the Kimek state existence, established the role of Kipchak Khanate as a successor of the state structures, solved the question of independent status of the ethnic Cumans.

Prepared 2 Doctors and 8 Candidates of historical sciences.

Given the award for services, jubilee medal "10 years of Independence of Kazakhstan", the Honorary citizen of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan. 

B.Y. Kumekov’s fruitful scientific activity is reflected in more than 450 publications, including fundamental collective works, monographs and textbooks.

Main Studies: 

•Gosudarstvo kimakov IX-XI vv. po arabskim istochnikam. Alma-Ata, 1972.

•Istorija Kazahskoj SSR. T.1,2. Alma-Ata, 1976, 1979.

•Arabskie i persidskie istochniki po istorii kipchakov VIII-XIV vv. Alma-Ata, 1987.

•Istorija Kazahstana. Ocherk. Alma-Ata, 1993.

•Istorija Kazahstana v srednie veka (VI-XVII vv.). Almaty, 1996.

•Istorija Kazahstana. T.1,2. Almaty, 1996-1997.

•History of Kazakstan. Essey.1998.