Turkmens is the ancient Turks. There are many different opinions about their origins. Most people think that they are the descendants of Oguz-Khan. There are seven known Turkmen branches. First is the chaudur and amiral (Emiral). They are the last members of taifa adala tribe, which known since 16th century. Now they are subordinated to Khiva. Their tribes are - abdal, erger, bozashy, esendu, kara chaudur, burynshik, sheih. The next branch is yaumit. They lived on the Gurgen River. They land is divided into three parts and is subordinated to Russia, Persia and Khiva. Their tribes are - atabay, tana, zhaparay, cherifchony, ogir, zhaly, gerei. The third main branch is goklan. They situated in the realm of Persia and lived on the Atirak River. The fourth branch is teke. They lived in the Trans-Caspian region, in the (cities) Akhal, Teke, Maru (Mary). The tribes’ ahalteke-kokshe, salyk, yasman, merish, konir and few more little tribes. The tribes’ maruteke-tokhtamysh, otemysh. In the tribe tokhtamysh-bek, okil. The tribes kokshe-khan, konyr, ak uakil, kara uakil. The tribes’ otemish-sechmaz, bakshy. The fifth branch is saryk. They live in Merhaba. Their tribes are - kanlybash, horaban, alishah, suzhet, Bayrash. The sixth branch is Salur. Salur is the grandson of Oguz Khan. Their tribes are - yalauash , karaman, anabilegi. The seventh branch is Ersary. The lived on the Amu-Darya River near the Chardjou. Their tribes are – bordalyk and kerkey.
The survey statement of the Transcaucasian region in 1890 reported, that the Turkmens are the descendants of Oguz Khan, i.e. the descendants of Husain Khan, the son of Sadur. According to Galkin, Oguz Khan is the son of the above Mogul Khan. Oguz Khan had two sons, Esen Khan and Suyun Khan. Thus, the Turkmens are their descendants. On the other hand, the baron Bode believed that they are the descendants of Yaumit and Gaklan, the sons of Oguz Khan, they were born from the enslaved woman Ayek, he had brought her from Persia, and the word teke means “slave”. It is curious that some of the information could be found in the names of the Kazakh tribes, suyundik, begindik. It seems that the Turkmens are the descendants of Oguz Khan.
From the book of Shakarim Kudayberdy-uly "Genealogy of Turks, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and their Khan dynasties". Translation by B. Kairbekov. Alma-Ata, Dastan JV, 1990