Youth is a basis for Kazakhstan’s future and should obtain new opportunities to build the future with their own knowledge, constructive labour and energy. In XXI century young people have to continue active formation of New Kazakhstan — developed, competitive and respective in the world. The base for the future is laid at the present moment.
Support for youth is an investment in the country’s progress. Since the first years of the Independence issues of education, health, access to new informational technologies, professional and personal competitiveness, patriotic education, successful socialization of the young generation have been remaining in the focus of the Head of State N. A. Nazarbayev. These priorities are reflected in the key policy documents such as «Kazakhstan-2050»: new political course of the established state», Addresses of the President to the people and governmental programs.
One of the main tasks of young generation is to preserve interethnic and interreligious peace and tolerance, to cultivate traditional spiritual qualities among the youth, such as ethnic and religious tolerance, respect for representatives of other ethnic groups along with the strengthening of secular basis of public and state life which is impossible without knowing of Motherland’s history.
Republican Association of Young Historians focuses on assistance to the development of science and coordination of researches, all kinds of development of ties between young specialists studying educational, cultural, scientific and other aspects of contemporary society.
For the achievement of the aim the Association shall tackle the following key goals:
1. investigation of historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan’s peoples;
2. summarizing and distribution of work experience of young historians;
3. active organizational work on unification and coordination of activity of young historians, scientific and educational institutions;
4. active participation in implementation of international and republican scientific programs on the issues of historical science;
5. spread of historical knowledge in the society;
6. strengthening of scientific ties with young historians and sociologists from foreign countries;
7. expert and analytical work in the sphere of science, culture, literature related to historical theme;
8. definition of conditions, which will help to satisfy social and economic needs of the youth;
9. increase of social role and activity of youth in social life.
Public association Republican Association of Young Historians («Association» hereinafter) is a non-governmentalnon-profit-making association. The Association was created at the Constituent Assembly held in Astana on June 7, 2013.
For the achievement of defined goals the Association carries out the following types of activity:
§ development of contacts between young historians through the organization of scientific seminars, round tables courses in the form of «summer schools»;
§ participation in development and publication of reference books on historical themes of current scientific researches in various scientific centers;
§ establishment of contacts with foreign young scientists and scientific and research centers, stimulation of scientific literature exchange with foreign partners;
§ participation in scientific-fundamental and scientific-applied researches, including foreign projects;
§ rendering of various intellectual services, review, composition of overview of foreign literature, annotated bibliographies;
§ summarizing of experience in social and humanitarian disciplines teaching in the system of higher, technical and professional as well as secondary education;
§ integration of activity of scientific organizations with institutions of higher education and colleges;
§ development of the sector of innovational scientific researches;
§ creation of necessary conditions for the support of international activity of Kazakhstan’s young historians;
§ specialization, internship with the aim to investigate foreign experience and establish scientific contacts;
§ organization of public lectures, exhibitions, presentations of new books, scientific and educational activity;
§ organization of scientific and research expeditions to study historical and cultural heritage, ethnic history and ethno-cultural processes on the territory of Kazakhstan.
For the carrying out of the activity which is a subject to licensing the Association receives licences under the procedure specified in law.