If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Tamgas: evolution

Tamgas: evolution - e-history.kz
The development of the emblems took quite a prolonged period of time.
The process of evolution of the emblems from simple to complicated forms consisted of several periods. They also may be called the levels of development. We consider, according to the available sources, that the given process can be divided into six periods, or six levels. 

The first period is characterized by occurrence of the early social distinctions. In the Kazakh society, one of such phenomena, came out from the deep antiquity to our time, it is the custom of branding livestock. 
The second period differs by using of tamga symbols. Specific feature of the steppe culture appropriate to this level, is the occurrence of tribal tamgas. 
The third period is marked by occurrence of seals, fourth — of patrimonial emblems, fifth — of regional and urban emblems, sixth, the highest level — by presence of the officially authorized State Emblems. 

In Kazakhstan the urban emblem appeared in the 19th century, at this period Kazakhstan was in the structure of Russia. Therefore, measures of imperial administration on the development of the system of patrimonial, urban, regional emblems involved Kazakhstan as well. Formed in 1722 the structure of the Senate King of Emblems office headed all the works in this direction. 

Western Europe rendered strong influence on the development of the patrimonial, urban and regional emblems. As in the countries of Western Europe, blazonry developed from the Middle Ages, and in Russia the process of its formation began only during the last years of the 17th century. 

According to the legal regulation, patrimonial emblems included in their structure the military shield, helmet, crown, cloak, motto (special for each emblem), and also other elements. 
Eight colours — golden, silvery, red, light blue, green, pink, black, white were used in the design of the emblems. There are accepted graphic images of these colors, used in case of black-and-white reproduction of the emblem. For example, the golden colour was designated by black points of the white background, red — by vertical lines, light blue — by horizontal lines, black — by paired vertical and horizontal lines, green — by diagonal lines going upwards from left to the right. 

The image of quadrangular shield, arrow-headed at the bottom (French style), is very common on Russian arms. Different types of crowns correspond to different types of status: prince, count, baronage and the nobility. 
There were three basic requirements to the family arms. 
Firstly — the given data on the origin of the kin and its merits to the state must be completely confirmed or have official popularity; secondly — the emblem must correspond to the requirements of the blazonry; thirdly — the emblem must be necessary registered by the authorized body. 
Only at observance of these conditions it was authorized to place the patrimonial emblem on the pediments of palaces, gates, tombstones, doors of coaches, utensils, documents, books, rings. 
Such symbols, officially fixing the public status of this or that known kin, served for evident demonstration of its rights to the appropriate privileges and honour.