If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Scientist discussed the translation of rate books on the history of Kazakhstan in electronic format

Scientist discussed the translation of rate books on the history of Kazakhstan  in electronic format - e-history.kz
Scientific Library of RSE "Gylym Ordasy" and the Institute of History and Ethnology named after Sh. Valikhanov held a joint roundtable on "Rare electronic publications of the history of Kazakhstan".

Participants learned about the samples of valuable papers and rare books that translated into a digital format and have been preserved in a rare collection of the library. The relics of the fund were considered comprehensively, their place in the history of Kazakhstan, science and literature.

The meeting began with introductory remarks of the Director of RSE "Gylym Ordasy" CS of MES of Kazakhstan R. Karibzhanova and the Director of the Institute of History and Ethnology, Ph.D. Professor, corresponding member of the NPA of Kazakhstan H. Abzhanova.  

At the roundtable in order to give an objective assessment of innovative changes, global experience exchange and disclosure of white spots in the history of scientific library nowadays, the Doctor of Historical Science N. Seydin raised the issue of the effectiveness of the data used in the collection of the library. The main speaker, Doctor of Historical Science, Professor V. Galiyev, starting his report with data about the history of Kazakhstan and electronic version of rare books, noted that "while the library will not be on the right path, science can not develop". 


The Doctor of Historical Science S. Smagulova in his report said that one of the sources of scientific publications are fund of the rare books. She also highlighted the fact that library and archive are important for majority of scientists. S. Smagulova shared her thought on the need to create electronic versions of periodicals materials. During the ethno-historical expeditions organized by the Institute, S. Smagulova handed to library 5 scientific rare books, which were brought from the Mosque of the village Eskeldy of Almaty district.  

During the discussion the head of the department of automation technologies RSE "Gylym Ordasy" R. Akhmetov emphasized on the source of electornic informaiton science library. The Doctor of Historical Science D. Rahymkulov  presented the book about Kazakh deputies of the second half of the nineteenth century. The employee of Research Library of rare books, manuscripts and national literature B. Tolimbetova provided information about the features of a digital microfilms format. The young historian A. Kanay told about religious books and their scientific value. The employee of Research Library of rare books, manuscripts and national literature A. Malimova told about the problems of creating an electronic catalog of Kazakh books with Arabic letters. 


The researchers, scientists and librarian specialists had opportunity exchange their views, create profiles and get answers to topical scientific issues at the meeting. 
