If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Archaeological Park will be created on the site of the ancient city of Taraz

In its heyday, the Ancient Taraz had strong walls and fortifications, the governor's palace, citadel, shahristan, rabadi, artisans’ quarters and wealthy citizens.

The Archaeological Park will be created on the site of the ancient city of Taraz in 2014, reports inform.kz with the reference to the LLP “Archaeological examination".

  It should be remembered, that the excavations of the ancient city of Taraz as a part of the program "Cultural Heritage» were started by the experts of “Archaeological examination” in 2012, on the territory of the former market of Taraz. In order to do this, the market was closed and several thousand of traders were relocated to other markets of the regional center.

  According to the director of "The archaeological examination" Dmitry Voyakin, exactly 4 excavation sides were laid in 2013 on the territory of about 2.5 thousand square meters and 3.5 meters in depth. The total area of ​​the research was more than 10 thousand square meters. We found about 40 thousand artifacts, ancient plumbing system (kubur), one of the earliest madrasas in Kazakhstan  of 10th - 11th  centuries and also the shrine of Zoroastrians of 11th -12th centuries.

  In 2014, the works will continue in the central part of the ancient city, as well as on the territory of other two markets that were closed for trading until January 27, 2014. According to archaeologists, it is here that we can expect the most interesting findings, since, according to historical records, this was the place of shahristan in which the wealthy citizens used to live as well rabadi, where housed the artisans’ quarters.

  According to the manager of the project, academician of NAS RK, the chairman  of Kazakhstan Archaeological Society, Karl Baypakov, Taraz was a major element of the Silk Road, the political center of the first nations of the Western Turkic Khanate, the Karluks, Turgeshs, capital of Karakhanids with its mint, developed crafts, trade, science and art. The representatives of different religions were peacefully coexisted in this city. The city was full of gardens; the streets were lined with stone slabs. There was a variety of baths with tap system, which in those days was a sign of well-being of the city and its inhabitants.

  According to K. Baypakov, the settlement of Taraz is planned to be included into the UNESCO list of World Heritages.

  "The ancient city of Taraz has great importance in history and should be included ​​in this list. The archaeological excavations of the ancient city of Taraz will give the impetus to the economic development of the region", - he stressed.

  The reconstruction of ancient Taraz of the period of prosperity between 10th -11th centuries in the form of an archaeological park is planned for the future.

"The difference between this park and the usual Museum is in the ethnographic exhibitions and modern reconstruction of ancient buildings. We planned the expositions in the indoor and outdoor areas; the archaeological park can become a place of public, cultural, scientific, educational and recreational activities".

Transformation of the ancient city of Taraz into the outdoor museum can make it a cultural and historical brand in the region.
