If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

In memory of Dinmukhamed Kunayev

In memory of Dinmukhamed Kunayev - e-history.kz
Today turned 105 years to the outstanding state and social activist of the country Dunmukhamed Kunayev

Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich Kunayev was born on 12 January 1912 in the city of Vernyi, currently Almaty city. Its ancestors were animal breeders and lived at the bank of Kurty river and Ili in the district of Kuigan. In the past this location was called Nizheillisk volost of Vernensk county Semirechensk province. Now it is the territory of Balkhash and Kurtinsk districts Almata oblast. The formation of the personality of Kunayev passed Stalin epoch under the conditions of harsh centralized administrative system. His fate developed under the influence of social-economic system. for which were specific on the one hand the general optimism and tough belief of people in the ideals of socialism, on the other hand – repressions, harsh determined decisions of the system, “burning” history, ethnic culture and traditions of the entire nations. For more than forty years CC CPSU Central Committee had taken into confidence and great support to Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich Kunayev. In various times he was entrusted with being in charge of huge enterprises of non-ferrous metallurgy, he was at the rise of creation of powerful copper-smelting industrious country.

He was elected by the academician of the AS of the republic and its president. On the recommendation of Komsomol organization, memberof which was Kunayev since 1927, secretary of the Party Committee of Kounradsk mine Ilyin and foremost worker Abzhanov in 1939 he was admitted as a member of the party.

Starting with this moment he was constantly elected into the superior party bodies. The party trusted him to work in the CC KPK and the Council of Ministers during 42 years. For that time with little interval he worked as the First Secretary of CC KPK for 25 yaers. Twice he was appointed the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the KazSSR. From IV meeting CPK to XVI including was a part of the CPK Central Committee. He was elected the delegate of XIX and all other meetings of the party, including XXVII meeting of the CPSU.

At XX and all other meetings he was elected the member of the CC KPSU. At XXIII meeting he was elected the candidate for the members of the Politburo CC at XXIV, XXV, XXVI, XXVII meetings as the member of Politburo CC. In general, in the composition of Politburo CC was for 21 years. He was a deputy of the Supreme Council USSR, from 3 to 11 convocation including. For 25 years he was a member of the Supreme Council of the Kazakh SSR.

Fulfilled the instructions of the CC and the Presidium of the Supreme Council, went to a number of socialist and capitalist countries, was in charge of party and parliament delegations. Being a student, D.Kunayev convinced in the distressful situation of the republic.

With that time in mind he as the head of the republic made the contribution to its development. The program of development was oriented to the formation of industrious production, agriculture, intensive buildings. Favorable social-economic conditions predicated the successful demographic development of the people.

With the aim of the quality of governance were organized new three branches, appeared thousands of residential places, from them – 43 cities. The special attention was given to the formation of the scientific potential of the republic. Passing labor way from the regular machinist to the chief engineer of the mine, Kunayev became the high professional head - manufacturer.

Summarizing the work undertaken, it can be said that Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich Kunayev had to work in different periods the life of country. His years long creative labor was not in vain, positive experience can not be thrown away, it should not be lost, one should be proud with many results, notwithstanding all the costs and deformations on our historical way.

D.A.Kunayev actively combined the party, state and scientific work with publicist activity. He wrote many articles and publications. He is the author of memoir books such as “About my time” (1992), “From Stalin to Gorbachev” (1994). For great achievements in the development of diversified economy, culture and science of Kazakhstan D.A.Kunayev was three times given the high rank of the Hero of Socialist Labor. He was awarded with eight Orders of Lenin, other orders and medals, foreign awards.

25 August 1993 Dinmukhamed Akhmedovich Kunayev was buried. 12 January 2012 to the 100th anniversary was opened the Memorial museum-apartment in two-story house, where he lived for many years. He saved his huge authority among people, who always supported, loved and respected him.


Makhabbat BOLSHINA

Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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