“Unknown Kazakhstan” is a project of the group of young photographs that presents more than 3000 unique shots of little known corners of Kazakhstan. With the aim of awakening in people love and respect for nature of their land, at the exhibition were presented the shots of various corners of the Great steppe, where man’s foot was not set.
Within the official reception of the embassy of Kazakhstan in Baku dedicated to 25 years of Kazakhstan independence, during a week the exhibition was held in Azerbaijan State Academy of Arts.
The exhibition was organized by the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – leader of nation with the support of the Kazakhstan embassy in Baku.
“Unknown Kazakhstan” is a unique photo exhibition of the Great steppe with its contrasts, ancient legends and various nature. Unique and vivid exposition created the mighty impulse in the strive for saving history and rich cultural traditions of our people. Each work of the photo project evokes not only the admiration of the spectator, but also allows to make the first step to the opening of Kazakhstan.
“For the years of Independence were set very tight and friendly relations between Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, becoming the symbol of mutual trust and equality. The fundamental basics of such relations were set by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and National leader of Azerbaijan people Geidar Aliev. And they continue to be stronger year to year” - opening the reception noted the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan in Azerbaijan Beibit Isabayev.
To know the picturesque scopes and ancient legends of Kazakhstan land residents of Baku where are presented bright and effective photo works.
The organizers note that owing to the project visitors of the exhibition change their current stereotype about Kazakhstan as about the country of lifeless and depressed steppes.
“Wherever we presented the exposition “Unknown Kazakhstan” everywhere with the special attention and agitation we observe the reaction of the guests of the exhibition.
And the aim of the project is the attraction of attention to our state: to its amazing nature, picturesque landscapes, unusual culture, rooted deep into the far past.
It is needy to note that it is always the eyes full with admiration and delight. Thanks to the project, spectators change their current stereotype about Kazakhstan as about the country of lifeless and depressed steppes.
It is gratifying that the given photo exhibition the Fund of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in honor of the 25th anniversary of Independence” – said the Deputy Executive Director – director of the Representation of the Fund Sergey Tokhtarov.
For two days of the conduct of the photo exhibition “Unknown Kazakhstan” it was visited by the heads of Diplomatic Corpses, deputies Milli Medzhilis and representatives of the government of the Azerbaijan Republic, famous activists of arts, the administration of the Academy of sciences in Azerbaijan, also citizens and students from Kazakhstan, residing in Baku.
“Our meeting is dedicated to the 25thaniverasary of Independence of fraternal Kazakhstan. And the great gift for all of us became the official reception in honor of such event. The exhibition of the photo exhibition of the republic of Kazakhstan once more showed those scales and success which Kazakhstan grapsed for the years of independence. It is very pleasant for me that many pictures which are presented here, I had the honor to see with my own eyes. And the scales of our country you can feel well, when you look at artists’ works” – said Eldar Gunaidyn, the President of the Union of friendship “Kazakhstan – Azerbaijan”.
“I love Kazakhstan very much. I am amazed by your capital, its unique architecture. Today’s exhibition one more time proves the unique nature of your country, how far it is beautiful, varied and immense.
For me it is a great pleasure to be here today and get acquainted with unknown Kazakhstan which I it seems to me know and love for long”, shared her opinion Tarana Mamedova, artist, member of the Union of Azerbaijan. It is necessary to remind that earlier the photo exhibition “Unknown Kazakhstan” was already held in Hungary, Georgia, China, Russia, South Korea, the USA and France.
Makhabbat BOLSHINA
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