According to ‘Kazpost’ JCS ‘Memorable and anniversary dates’ stamps which were put into circulation were dedicated to the anniversary dates of the famous Kazakh figures Alikhan Bokeikhanov, K.Mukhamedkhanov. The designer is Sergei Marshov.
A postage stamp of the series ‘Memorable and anniversary dates’ on theme ‘150th anniversary of Alikhan Bokeikhanov’. Alikhan Bokeikhanov — a prominent public figure, organizer and leader of ‘Alash’ party, head of the first national government Alashorda, scholar and publicist is depicted on the stamp. Alikhan Bokeikhanov devoted all his life to the struggle for freedom and political independence of the Kazakh people. The value of the stamp is 5 KZT. A circulation is 2 500 000 pieces.
A postage stamp of the series ‘Memorable and anniversary dates’ on theme ‘175th anniversary of Ibray Altynsarin’. Ibray Altynsarin — a prominent Kazakh educator, teacher and innovator, organizer of new schools, ethnographer, folklorist, poet, novelist, and translator is depicted on the stamp. The denomination of the postage stamp with a letter ‘A’ (121) KZT corresponds to the tariff for sending letters weighing up to 20 grams of ground transportation for legal entities. The circulation is 2 000 000 pieces.
A postage stamp of the series on theme ‘100th anniversary of Kayum Mukhamedkhanov’. Kayum Mukhamedkhanov — a laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan, scholar, writer, translator, founder of Abay and Shakarim study, public figure is depicted on the stamp. He is an author of Kazakh SSR State Anthem text (1945), participant of the Great Patriotic War. The denomination of the postage stamp with the letter ‘C’ (218) KZT correspond to the tariff for sending a registered letter weighing up to 20 grams by ground transportation on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The circulation is 2 500 000 pieces.
According to the Chairman of ‘Ak zhol’ party, Mazhilis Deputy Azat Peruashev, idea of introduction of postage stamps was offered by ‘Ak zhol’ Democratic Party. It was a kind of maintenance of ‘Alash’ party’s way, a particular light of the national idea.
It is known that last year was adopted a decision on the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the outstanding statesman and public figure, Chairman of the autonomous government Alash Orda Alikhan Bokeikhanov in Paris on the 38th session of UNESCO General conference. Since then, ‘Ak zhol’ takes an active part in the implementation of the task, the party organized a nationwide contest ‘Shiny path of Alash in XXi century’. In addition to organization of scientific-practical conference, it was decided to publish a book.
‘Our party is one of the successors of ‘Alash’ movement, which expend some effort for gradual and reasonable introducing of Kazakh society to the world civilization. ‘Ak zhol’ party continues a sacred path of the great sons who fought for the freedom of Kazakh people such as Alikhan Bokeikhanov, Mirzhakip Dulatov’ newly elected leader of ‘Ak zhol’ party said at VIII Congress on July 2, 2011.
The ceremony was attended by members of ‘Ak zhol’ party, deputies of the Parliament, state and public figures, Alashtanu scholars and media representatives.