If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The Binding thread of times

The Binding thread of times - e-history.kz
Kazakhstan is the owner of the great history and cultural heritage of their ancestors. The study of the history is always important.

The study of the chronicles of a native land is one of the most important areas in modern Kazakhstan. As such, our goal is perfectly described by the President Nursultan Nazarbayev – you should write the history without distorting the historical processes. Therefore, the program initiated by the Head of State - "The people in the flow of history" is aiming at the restoring of the history of nation as well as at the establishment of the objective accents without idealization of past milestones, and objective description of the twenty-year history of independent Kazakhstan.

Increased the role of historians and researchers, before which the government sets the task - to make a qualitative leap in the history of science, which should be based on the new methodology. The study of national history requires fresh approaches, in-depth analysis and scientific interpretation. Those are serious tasks, but it should be noted that the scientific potential of the country is quite high, as it was mentioned by the Secretary of State, Marat Tajin.

The historical science as an institution that produces new, socially and personally meaningful knowledgeis designed to develop the methods and technologies of translation of such knowledge into society, mainly to deal with the questions of historical education. History education is designed to provide a systematic knowledge, which should formulate the value understanding among students as well as their public and personal skills. At a certain stage of development, the chronicles of people and States are being formed of a plurality of components. The documented historical monuments are the most important of those.Archival documents, business papers, first published books and textbooks - all of this, is a wide field for the study of history.The fund of the Museum of Rare Books, which is included in “Sylym Ordasy”, has 890 units, 392 of them - are ancient manuscripts, letters and rare books. All of those rare materials, the chronology of which originates since XVIII are concentrated here.The museum has the first edition of the works of scientists, educators who have made great contributions to the development of science and culture of Kazakhstan, as well as the first printed book of Kazakh oral tradition. Here you can also see a collection of books written by scientists who have studied ethnography, literature and history of the Kazakh people, first editions of writers XVIIІ-XIX centuries.

The unique museum exhibits reveal the spiritual culture of our people through different centuries. The ancient written sources of the Kazakh land are the priceless heritage. They were found at the flank of the Altai Mountains as well as in the Tarbagatay gorges. Another important thing is the ancient Turkic runic writing. The Kazakh publications are in value, they allow studying the background and historical facts of the occurrence of the national press as well as the history and the fate of the first public newspapers.

The archeology is already implemented into the system of historical research, it helps to understand the life, architecture and culture of previous generations.

It should be noted that the relevance of all the facts in this work is confirmed by the fact that as for today, the results of the research have found their practical implementation in various scientific publications and in the preparation of teaching aids.

Kazakhstan is the owner of the great history and cultural heritage of their ancestors. The study of the history is always important. As such, when the State knowing the origins of its development and respecting its history, it is a strong state, which is hard to knock off the true path.

Rosa Karibzhanova

CEO of RSE "Gylym Ordasy"

Daily Republican social and political newspaper “Литер”