What was the composition of the country’s Supreme Soviet of the XII Congress
24.02.2020 2921
On December 10, 1991, President of the Kazakh SSR Nursultan Nazarbayev signed a law "On Changing the Name of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic".

The adopted document, in fact, saved the country from the label of an allied province. Six more days later, on December 16, 1991, the Supreme Soviet of the country adopted the law "On state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", which not only became the basis for the future Constitution of the country, but also played a decisive role in the fate of the Kazakh people.  

This life-changing document was prepared twenty-eight years ago by deputies of the Supreme Council of the 12th convocation. Three hundred and sixty elected representatives were elected by the people on 25 March 1990. One and a half years later, they adopted the Law on State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which summed up the people's struggle for freedom and prosperity.

 Over the years of their mandate, the deputies adopted a number of other documents of historical significance. In addition to the law on state independence of the country, these include the laws on approval of the office of the President and renaming of the state, the declaration that consolidated the indivisibility and inviolability of the territory, and the first Constitution of independent Kazakhstan. These documents marked the beginning of the country's transition to a new stage of ensuring national independence, real guarantees of civil rights and freedoms, building a democratic society and a State based on the rule of law. On the threshold of Independence Day, Qazaqstan Tarihy portal offers to remember the names of some direct witnesses of this event.

Shortly before the Law "On State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" was issued, on October 16, 1991, Serikbolsyn Abdildin took the post of Chairman of the Supreme Soviet. Later he became a long-term leader of the Communist Party of the Republic of Kazakhstan, he was in this position from April 1996 to April 2010. It is known that in 1999 S. Abdildin put forward his candidacy in the presidential elections, took the second place with 19% of votes. In addition to S. Abdildin, there were other persons known to the people in the rank of elected representatives of the people in the Supreme Council of the country. Among them was Byrganym Aitimova (on the photo on the right) who currently holds the position of the Deputy Chairman of the Council of Senators at the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During these 28 years B. Aitimova worked as Minister of Youth Affairs, later she was Minister of Education, worked as a diplomatic representative of Kazakhstan in Israel, Italy, Cuba.

It is also possible to remember the name of the only in the history of the country Vice President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yerik Asanbayev. After gaining independence, he was the Vice President of the country for five years, then became a member of the Security Council of the country, and from 1994 to 2000 worked at a diplomatic post in Germany.

Temirkhan Dosmukhamedov was included in the country's Supreme Council as a nominee of the Kazakh Voluntary Society for Sobriety. Subsequently, he worked for a long time as a minister of various agencies, twice headed the Department of Affairs of the President of Kazakhstan, was the mayor of the capital and even headed the National Olympic Committee.

Uzakbai Karamanov (on the left in the picture) held a number of senior positions in the party nomenclature of the Kazakh SSR until his independence. Later, he became the first prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan, founded the Union of Builders of Kazakhstan, headed the Ecology and Nature Management Committee of the Majilis of the Parliament of the country, and also headed the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea.

Among other deputies who devoted themselves to public service, we can mention the first Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sagadat Nurmagambetov, who was chairman of the Kazakh Republican Council of Veterans of War and Labor at that time, and now Kazakhstan's ambassador to the Russian Federation Imangali Tasmagambetov, then - First Secretary of the Central Committee of Leninist Communist Union of Youth of Kazakhstan. There were not only officials among the deputies of that convocation, but also artists. It is necessary to note the national writer of Kazakhstan and public figure of the country Abish Kekilbayev, the long-term head of the Union of cinematographers of Kazakhstan, and after gaining independence - the founder of the international film festival ‘Eurasia’ Oraz Rymzhanov and publicist Anuar Alimzhanov. By the way, it was the latter, being the head of the Council of Republics of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, who adopted the famous "Declaration No. 142-N", which, in fact, completed the existence of the Soviet Union. Among the deputies of the XII convocation were representatives of academic circles. The future president and founder of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Aliyev, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences Aitmukhamed Abdulin, a famous Turkologist Myrzatai Zholdasbekov, his namesake and founder of the scientific school of mechanics of Kazakhstan Umirbek Zholdasbekov, (on the photo right) doctor of historical sciences, author of numerous manuals on the history of the country Manash Kozybayev. Speaking about historical science, it is impossible not to mention the role of another deputy of Uzbekistan, Dzhanibekov, whose numerous works on the problems of traditional art of Kazakhs attract attention not only ordinary readers, but also historians and researchers. This is not a complete list of deputies (there were 360 in total), whose shoulders were entrusted with the most responsible tasks of that time.

The Supreme Soviet of the XII convocation was dissolved on December 13, 1993.

Twenty-eight years ago, the country was faced with a choice and made it in favor of sovereign development and building an independent state. Years later, we see the hopes and aspirations of living witnesses to those events come true.

Dana Tugambekova