Argentina and Kazakhstan economic relations. Part II
25.06.2014 1758
During the last two decades, the bilateral relations between Argentina and Kazakhstan were sporadic and limited to formal contacts.

Kazakhstan is of interest to the development of cooperation with Argentina in the field of agriculture, mining, refining, petrochemical, metallurgical and food industries.

In October 16, 2006. The Program for Effective Development of Agroindustial Complex of Kazakhstan, prepared by the National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina (INTA) at the request of the Investment Fund of Kazakhstan, was presented the Ministry of Agriculture with the participation of Deputy Minister L. Musina and Chairman of the «Investment Fund of Kazakhstan» Z.Kakimzhanov.

In May 19, 2008. during the visit of the Kazakh delegation headed by the president of «KazAgroInnovation» T. Rakhimbekov to the Argentine Republic a Memorandum of Understanding between «KazAgroInnovation» JSC and the National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina (INTA) was signed.

In December 9–10, 2010. Kazakhstan visited Charge d’Affaires, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of Argentina in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan (non-resident), Jose Maria Venere. In Astana, he met with the Head of the Customs Control Committee of the Ministry of Finance. Argentinean diplomat participated in a videoconference on " Opportunities of cooperation between Kazakhstan and Argentina in agricultural trade and innovation «, organized by «Atameken Union " in conjunction with the National Institute of Agricultural Technology of Argentina «INTA». During the visit H.Venere met with the Deputy Mayor of Almaty on Culture S.Seydumanov.

In 2 March 2012 in Geneva as part of the accession to WTO bilateral talks with Argentina were held on market access for goods. from Kazakhstani side the aftertalks protocol was signed by Minister for Economic Integration Zh. Aytzhanova, from Argentina — Permanent Representative of Argentina to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva, Alberto D’Alotto. Negotiations were conducted on the list of goods for which Kazakhstan provides Argentina the right of the first negotiator.

According to the resolution of the Ministry of Economy of Argentina, from August 6, 2001. , Argentine authorities initiated an anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of steel products from Kazakhstan. Since the beginning of March 2008, the Department of Commercial Policy and Management of the Ministry of Economy and Production AP decided to initiate an assessment of anti-dumping measures imposed by the resolution EhMR number 17/2003, in respect of export operations in Argentina steel products originating in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In 2009, the Resolution of the Government of Argentina to Kazakhstan approved the provisional anti-dumping duty at the rate of $ 365.85 per ton.

Dr. Paulo Botta
National University of La Plata, Argentina

Dr. Akbota Zholdasbekova
Academy of Public Service, Institute of Diplomacy, Kazakhstan