The assembly of Kazakhs people
17.09.2013 2655
Interethnic accord cannot be reached by irregular work but by a constant scrupulous work of the state authorities and civil societies.

Interethnic accord cannot be reached by irregular work but by a constant scrupulous work of the state authorities and civil societies. The policy of interethnic accord is reflected in the institutional activity of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan — a consultative body of the president — and of minor assemblies of the peoples attached to the regional authorities. This is the “know-how” of interethnic and confessional accord and the basis of the Kazakh social and political stability.

In accordance with amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 21 May 2007, the former consultative body — the Assem­bly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan — acquired a constitutional status and a more precise name reflecting the solidarity of all citizens of Kazakhstan — the Assembly of Kazakhstan’s People. In accordance with the new amendment to Clause 20, Article 44 of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the president of the republic “forms the Security Council and other consultative bodies, as well as the Assembly of Kazakhstan’s People and the Higher Judicial Council”.

According to Clause 1, Article 51 of the new amendment to the Constitution, nine deputies of the Mazhilis (Lower Chamber) of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan are elected by the Assembly of Kazakhstan’s People.