In Petropavlovsk a press conference took a plce with founders of the "Magzhan" film.
26.06.2013 1473
In Petropavlovsk a press conference took a place with founders of the "Magzhan" film. the correspondent of reports. The movie well illustrates eternal historical questions

In Petropavlovsk a press conference took a place with founders of the "Magzhan" film, the correspondent of reports. The movie well illustrates eternal historical questions, namely: where we go and where we want to be... Quite in the spirit of recent theses of a keynote speech of the State secretary of RK of Marat Tazhin where it sets new tasks for historians of the country.

Today in area there took place a press conference with founders of the movie "Magzhan". Opening a press conference, the deputy акима areas Farkhad Kuanganov noted that. in the North Kazakhstan area in the homeland of Magzhan passed the celebrations devoted to the 120 anniversary of the great poet. About 60 contestants from different corners of Kazakhstan participated in the 2nd republican festival of arts "Mazhan көктемi". All finalists are awarded by diplomas, letters of thanks and monetary awards акима Samat Eskendirova's areas. Besides, in the region "Magzhanovsky readings" among pupils of comprehensive schools, and also the literary competition "Mazhan — lt Ayny" are annually carried out.

Creation of the movie has a significant event and deep historical value for area. The Turan movie studio from Almaty finished art documentary film "Mazhan" shootings about tragic destiny of the genius of the Kazakh poetry of Magzhan Zhumabayev. Continuity writers restored historical justice and met lacks in its biography.

The scriptwriter and the director — Marat Konurov, known for movies "Paradise Lost", "Kenesara" told the wide viewer that in the movie the rich historical chronicle and memoirs of relatives is used. "In the beginning reflected to create the documentary film, but during creation of the scenario, I understood that the documentary film not to manage because Magzhan Zhumabayev's mighty nature and his past life is so huge that dry documentary not to open an image. Therefore the hroniko-production movie" was created — Marat Konurov told.

The picture covers the childhood, Magzhan Zhumabayev's youth, his active participation in a party creation "Alash". At the heart of a plot of the movie Magzhan's history as poet, the citizen and the devoted patriot is put.

The rare chronicle from storages of the Moscow archive of the 20-30th years of last century is used. The movie left in the Kazakh language but is already translated into Russian. Besides, it is planned to translate it on, English and Turkish languages.

Shootings were carried out in the homeland of Magzhan Zhumabayev — in an aul Sarytomar and in the center of the rural area bearing his name. But the most part of work is carried out in Petropavlovsk where remained not only an ancient mansion in which there lived the poet, but also century park where he liked to walk, and a set of other buildings which have become mute witnesses of rough historical events of the beginning of the XX century.

The actors who have played Magzhan Zhumabayev, grandniece Magzhana made a speech at a press conference — Shayzada Bekishev.